Based on the concept of Big Brother Show, Hindi Television has developed a reality show named Bigg Boss which Salman Khan has been hosting for over 6 seasons now. The show has expanded its business and marked its debut in Tamil with a bang by pulling in the People’s Actor, Kamal Hassan to host. The show is going on air on 26th June 2017, Monday, on Tamil TV Channel - Vijay TV.
As we all know, Bigg Boss has been a popular show which is based on a concept of putting together a certain number of celebrities in a house and their movements will be watched on camera. Two celebrities are nominated every week to be evicted from the house by the contestants and public voting will evict one of them from the house. The number eventually reduces until only 3 of the contestants are left and the winner will be decided on the basis of public vote.
Kamal Hassan will be hosting the show in Tamil and from the looks of it, his fans are very excited to see him on TV as the host. Kamal Hassan praised Salman Khan for being a wonderful host in Bigg Boss Hindi and plans to be the same. He also mentioned that Salman Khan bonds with the contestants genuinely and gives his advice as a friend and not a mentor. The actor is excited about his entry into the small screen and was quoted saying that “Stepping into a new territory is always exciting”.
You can watch Bigg Boss Tamil on Monday, June 26th on Star Vijay live. Watch the exciting reality show live through YuppTV from anywhere in the world. There are plenty of Tamil TV Channel packages available on YuppTV to watch Star Vijay live. The Bigg Boss Tamil show will be streamed live as per region timings on YuppTV so that you don’t miss any of the fun while it is happening. Also, you can find it in our Archives on Catch Up TV for a week after the original air.
Available in Australia, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe, New Zealand, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Middle East and UAE
Kamal Hassan will be hosting the show in Tamil and from the looks of it, his fans are very excited to see him on TV as the host. Kamal Hassan praised Salman Khan for being a wonderful host in Bigg Boss Hindi and plans to be the same. He also mentioned that Salman Khan bonds with the contestants genuinely and gives his advice as a friend and not a mentor. The actor is excited about his entry into the small screen and was quoted saying that “Stepping into a new territory is always exciting”.
You can watch Bigg Boss Tamil on Monday, June 26th on Star Vijay live. Watch the exciting reality show live through YuppTV from anywhere in the world. There are plenty of Tamil TV Channel packages available on YuppTV to watch Star Vijay live. The Bigg Boss Tamil show will be streamed live as per region timings on YuppTV so that you don’t miss any of the fun while it is happening. Also, you can find it in our Archives on Catch Up TV for a week after the original air.
Available in Australia, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe, New Zealand, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Middle East and UAE