Star Vijay's popular comedy based cooking reality show Cook With Comali is back with yet another season. After two successful seasons, the channels brings another exciting season from January 2022 with incredible contestants and comalis. Cook With Comali is a competitive cooking show where 10 Cooks and Comalis participate in a culinary challenge and impress the judges.
The Season 3 of Cook with Comali will be judged by Chef Damodharan and Chef Venkatesh Bhat and presented by Rakshan. In the recent episode, Cook with Comali fame and comedy star Pugazh entered the show and had loads of fun with the contestants. The last two seasons of Cook with Comali received wide appreciation from the audience and topped the charts. It became very distinguished that most show participants plunged into movies and began their acting careers.
Watch Cook with Comali on Vijay TV on Saturday and Sunday at 9:30 PM. Besides this funny cook show, watch your favourite movies and TV shows on Vijay TV through YuppTV and experience unlimited fun.