Malayalam star Mammootty is on a roll. After the brilliant Brahmayugam, the megastar returns with a spectacular action entertainer, Turbo. This delightful action drama guarantees to engage and enthral viewers with its narration and execution. Enjoy watching Turbo on SonyLIV through YuppTV and experience an adrenaline rush.
Turbo revolves around a touring guide in Idukki who lives with his ageing mother and often gets in trouble because of his aggressive nature. A series of exhilarating events lands him in Chennai, where he locks horns with a businessman-turned-politician and kingmaker in state politics. The film picks up momentum when the hero and villain indulge in mind games. On the other hand, Jose must reunite his friend with his girlfriend, who got separated.
Written by Midhun Manuel Thomas and directed by Vysakh, Turbo has all the elements needed for a perfect action thriller. The Vysakh-Mammootty combo returns together after their 2010 superhit Pokkiri Raja. Kannada actor Raj B Shetty makes his Malayalam debut with Turbo. Mammootty is effortless as usual, and Raj B Shetty amazes us with his performance as an antagonist. Bindu Panicker as Jose's mother and Anjana Jayaprakash in a prominent role portray their roles perfectly. Shabareesh Varma, Telugu actor Sunil, and Kabir Duhan Singh performed well. Christo Xavier's background elevates the film's mood right.
Turbo will not disappoint you if you are in the mood for an out-and-out action masala flick. Grab a popcorn and enjoy Turbo Movie Online on SonyLIV with YuppTV.
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